Juniper Design’s great-looking and timeless Thin Task Lamp with desk inset: At our place lamps are in constant motion, they are exchanged, moved to new…
Lämna en kommentarKategori: Smarta saker
Pluggie – the lamp doing double duty
Form Us with Love has made the smart and good-looking lamp Plug. Apart from most lampa Plug has the added smart of having an electrical…
Lämna en kommentarSmart and moveable electrical outlets for your home
Smart electrical outlets that can be moved around your home, charge most of your devices and at the same time look good while doing all…
Lämna en kommentarThe surprising trolley from a favourite designer
Have you ever had a favourite designer and thought you knew their best designs? Richard Sapper has designed the masterfully penned lamp Tizio, but just…
Lämna en kommentarBeoSound Stage – the first soundbar from Bang & Olufsen
Sometimes it doesn’t always matter who was the first to release a new product, sometimes it’s more a matter of releasing a really good product.…
Lämna en kommentarBeautiful mirrors from Kristina Dam Studio
Mirrors – aren’t they as much utility objects as they are pure decorative objects providing aesthetical values? The mirrors from the Danish Kristina Dam Studio…
Lämna en kommentarLavendel – en växt med många användningsområden
Vi är många som älskar lavendeln, vi fyller våra rabatter och våra krukor med den för att få den härliga medelhavskänslan. På våra resor i…
Lämna en kommentarWick – the infinite candle stick
Candle lights and lamps are fantastic in creating an atmosphere and ambiance. They can even create the feeling of a room where there is none.…
Lämna en kommentarAtt bo på 9 kvm!
Att bo litet är en utmaning men samtidigt lärorikt, man märker att man klarar sig bra på en liten yta i alla fall under en…
2 kommentarerRobotic furniture from Ori for functional small space living
In densely populated areas space and square space is becoming more and more sought after. In line with that the use and the multi-purpose use…
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